Workplace Absenteeism Impacted by Canada’s Surgical Wait Times Costs the Canadian Economy Billions Each Year

Workplace Absenteeism Impacted by Canada’s Surgical Wait Times Costs the Canadian Economy Billions Each Year Increasingly, Canadian employers are seeing the impact of their country’s long wait for healthcare treatment. In addition to witnessing poorer medical outcomes, employees may be coming to work stressed and in pain. In extreme cases, employees who had potentially curable…


May Measurement Month

May Measurement Month Get Ready for the Big Squeeze   High blood pressure is the #1 cause of preventable death worldwide. Over 10 million lives are lost each year due to high blood pressure – often called hypertension. Yet, only 50% of people affected are aware they have it.   During May, Canada is joining…


Omicron Exposes a Weakness in Canadian Government Run Health Care

Omicron Exposes a Weakness in Canadian Government Run Health Care As omicron sweeps across the globe, the U.S. and Canada are experiencing dramatically different responses. The U.S. seems to be largely open for business, while Canada’s biggest provinces are shutting down. Why the difference? The U.S. health care system, which prioritizes free markets, provides more hospital…
