A comprehensive plan
offering superior benefits
and free choice of medical providers


Option IOption IIOption III

*Only one deductible per person, per policy year applies. For family policies, a maximum of two deductibles accumulated per policy, per policy year will be applied. For more information, please refer to the Conditions of Coverage of the policy


Maximum coverage per person up to the age of 75C$1,000,000
Maximum coverage per person at the age of 75 and upC$500,000
Age limit to apply 75
Geographical coverWorldwide without restrictions of doctors and hospitals
Private hospital room100% UCR
Intesive care unitC$5,000 per day, max. of 90 days
Prescribed medications100% UCR
Emergency room100% UCR
Physician and specialist visits100% UCR
Prescription medicationC$5,000
Emergency medical services100% UCR
Diagnostic study services (laboratory tests, pathology, X-rays, MRI/CT/PET scans)100% UCR
Cancer tests, medication and treatment (chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy and/or molecular profiling)100% UCR
Dialysis100% UCR
Organ transplant (per lifetime)C$1,000,000
Benefits for live donors (per lifetime)C$30,000
Durable medical equipment C$5,000
Physical therapy and rehabilitation (including nurse care at home)C$5,000
Congenital conditions diagnosed before age 18 (per lifetime) C$150,000
Congenital conditions diagnosed after age 18 (per lifetime)C$1,000,000
Surgery100% UCR
Maternity50% of the first C$100,000 of eligible expenses, then 100% UCR up toC$250,000
Inclusion of the newbornAutomatic if born from a covered maternity
Emergency transportation by ground ambulance100% UCR
Emergency transportation by air ambulance (per lifetime)C$45,000, no deductible applies
Repatriation of mortal remainsC$5,000
Emergency dental coverage100% UCR for the first 180 days
Second Medical Opinion VIPAccess to the medical opinion of internationally renowned expertsfrom around the world regarding a condition, without deductible
Reintroduction into CanadaCoordination of ongoing treatment with medical providers in Canadato reintroduce the treatment and management of a condition intoCanada’s health system after being diagnosed abroad
Travel expensesC$5,000 for transportation and accommodation expenses whenreceiving treatment more than 320 kms from the Insured’s residence
Reduced diagnostic deductibleC$250 diagnostic deductible for bloodwork, ultrasound and MRI

All benefits with 100% coverage are up to the policy limit. Any pre-existing medical conditions diagnosed 24 months prior to the effective date of the policy will not receive coverage for the first 24 months from the effective date

For the purpose of the Insurance Companies Act (Canada), this policy is issued under the license of Humania Assurance Inc. business in Canada. Administration services for this policy are provided by VUMI® Canada, Inc. in partnership with VIP Universal Medical Insurance Group, LLC. VUMI® is a registered mark of VIP Universal Medical Insurance Group, LLC and licensed under agreement to VUMI® Canada, Inc. Humania Assurance Inc. is a Canadian company based in Quebec and authorized under the Insurance Companies Act in Canada.